Perfect Smiles and Bad Teeth at the 2020 Grammys

billie eilish grammys lollipop 2020 cosmetic dentist nyc dr michael j weiCelebrities live in the spotlight, and every characteristic is under a microscope. Singers especially feel that burn when it comes to their teeth. Unless there are some serious dance moves accompanying a performance, the biggest thing to focus on is a vocalist’s mouth. At the 2020 Grammy Awards, there were some good moments and poor choices for smiles, teeth, and oral health.Read more

The Perfect Smiles of the Royal Family

perfect smile royal family meghan markle smile makeover nyc cosmetic dentistPrince Harry and Duchess Meghan of Sussex created waves last week when they announced their intention to separate themselves from the royal family and live part-time in North America. There were smiles from many about this young couple’s determination to pave their own way, and there were frowns from just as many about breaking with royal tradition. Now is as good a time as any for a debrief on the perfect smiles of the royal family.Read more

Do You Have a Perfect Smile for the New Year?

perfect smile new year manhattan cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiPeople say there is no such thing as perfection, but cosmetic dentists beg to differ. You can have a perfect smile – a smile that is perfect for you – when you undergo a customized smile makeover. Whether you’re getting cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, or a little bit of both, it’s possible to walk away from your NYC dentist’s office with a perfect smile to start the new year.Read more

What Makes a Perfect Smile?

perfect smile midtown cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiThere are many elements that go into creating a perfect smile. What equals perfection for one person, though, doesn’t necessarily equal perfection for another. When your Manhattan cosmetic dentist is presenting you with all the possible treatments for your smile makeover, he will consider several characteristics to form the perfect smile for you.Read more

Graduate to a New Perfect Smile

graduate to perfect smile nyc dr michael j wei midtown cosmetic dentistIt’s that time of year. Caps. Gowns. Graduation. The world is wide open for graduates when they get that degree or certificate that signifies the accomplishment of something great. Whether you’re the one who’s graduating, or you’re honoring someone who’s marking this milestone, celebrate the achievement with a perfect smile.Read more

Use Your Tax Refund to Build a Perfect Smile

tax refund perfect smile midtown cosmetic dentistHave you ever thought to yourself, “I’ll fix my teeth when…” and filled in the blank with any number of excuses? If money is the main reason you’re dragging your feet about getting a new smile, April could bring the windfall you’re hoping for. It’s tax refund time, for the luckiest among us. While some people put their cash in savings and some splurge on vacations, use your bucks wisely on a purchase that will benefit you now and pay dividends later – a perfect smile makeover.Read more

Skip the Filters: 4 Ways to Get a Perfect Smile for Real

no filters get a nyc perfect smilePhoto filters and photo editing make just about anything possible in pictures. You can look thinner, more toned, wrinkle-free, and have a perfect smile. Why bother changing your smile in real life when it’s easy enough to fudge the reality in photos? Well, you can’t hide behind your smartphone forever. When you’re in front of real people there is no hiding the imperfections in your smile.Read more

Political Beards: The Hot Accessory for a Perfect Smile?

Ted Cruz political beard perfect smileIn this ongoing climate of political unrest, it’s nice to see that news outlets have taken some time to focus on what really matters – appearance. While most male politicians attempt to promote a squeaky-clean image, enhanced by a clean-shaven look, some of the higher-ups are currently sporting political beards. Are the beards good? Are they bad? The answers to those questions are subjective. Our biggest question is: Do they have a perfect smile under the facial hair?Read more

A Perfect Smile: The Gift That Keeps on Giving

nyc perfect smile gift michael weiYou don’t need a holiday to treat yourself. While this is an excellent time of year to give to others, allow yourself permission to take care of your own needs too. A perfect smile is an investment in your health, appearance, and self-worth. When you trust an experienced NYC cosmetic dentist, the perks of such a gift will keep you smiling for decades.Read more