Do You Have a Perfect Smile for the New Year?

perfect smile new year manhattan cosmetic dentist dr michael j weiPeople say there is no such thing as perfection, but cosmetic dentists beg to differ. You can have a perfect smile – a smile that is perfect for you – when you undergo a customized smile makeover. Whether you’re getting cosmetic dentistry, restorative dentistry, or a little bit of both, it’s possible to walk away from your NYC dentist’s office with a perfect smile to start the new year.Read more

Create a Smile Makeover Pinterest Board

smile makeover pinterest vision board dr michael j wei nyc cosmetic dentistOnce upon a time, people would cut out pictures from magazines if they were thinking about changing their hair, redecorating a room, or coveting certain products. Now, there is Pinterest, the social media platform that invites you to “clip” your favorite photos, articles, and products online and keep them in albums. So why not create a safe space for the soon-to-be-new you? Use this free software to save the images of the teeth you love – and essentially create a collage of the teeth you want. Time to think about what your smile makeover Pinterest board should include.Read more

Give Yourself the Gift of Cosmetic Dentistry

gift of cosmetic dentistry smile makeover nyc dentist dr michael j weiNot only is another year coming to an end, so is another decade. As you reflect during this holiday season, think about what you wish you could have most – is it a better job, a stronger love, a more active social life, improved self-confidence? The secret to giving yourself the best chance for success in all things is feeling good about yourself, and by investing in cosmetic dentistry, you can change your life for the better, starting now, and for many decades to come.Read more

Give Your Jaw Some Love with TMJ Therapy and Say Goodbye to Pain

TMJ therapy dr michael j wei manhattan dentistNovember is National TMJ Awareness Month, and it’s worth taking a moment to evaluate your oral health to see if there is something that’s not quite right with your teeth and bite. It might seem like clenching or grinding your teeth occasionally is no big deal, or maybe you’ve lived with jaw popping for so long that you don’t even give it much thought anymore. Over time, though, a TMJ problem can ruin your teeth, including cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry work. Time to give your jaw a little love.Read more

5 Reasons to Be Thankful for Modern Porcelain Veneers

porcelain veneers nyc midtown dentist dr michael j weiIt should come as no surprise that porcelain veneers were invented in Hollywood. A dentist by the name of Charles Pincus developed them in 1928 for a film shoot to temporarily change the appearance of the actors’ teeth. Dentistry has come a long way since then, thank goodness. Modern cosmetic dentistry makes it possible for you to have a celeb-worthy smile that looks natural, feels good, and lasts for decades.Read more

Can CBD Toothpicks Help Prevent Gum Disease?

CBD toothpicks oral health gum disease midtown dentist dr michael j weiToothpicks are good and evil in the field of dentistry. These little tools are intended to clean out food that has gotten stuck in your teeth and gums – that’s a good thing. In the wrong hands, however, wooden toothpicks can wreak havoc, break apart, stick in the gums, and cause damage. Now, the market offers CBD toothpicks. Where does this product stand when it comes to your oral health – and could they really help prevent gum disease?Read more

Forget the Halloween Makeup – Fix Your Teeth with a Smile Makeover Instead

halloween makeup smile makeover new york city cosmetic dentistYoung or old, Halloween is an excellent opportunity to dress up and become someone else for a little while. If you’re trying to distract from your teeth by applying an entire face of Halloween makeup or a strategically designed mask, however, it may be time to consider how you look every other day of the year and think about making a permanent change with a customized smile makeover.Read more

3 Ways Halloween Candy Can Destroy Your Smile Makeover

halloween candy smile makeover new york city cosmetic dentist weiHalloween candy – it’s one night a year, right? How much damage can a few indulgences do? Let’s all be honest and admit that Halloween candy lasts from September well into November. It’s hard to resist those colorful bags of your favorite childhood treats. Resist you must, however, if you don’t want to ruin the cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry that your NYC dentist used to give you an amazing smile makeover.Read more