Root Canal Therapy

Eliminate Tooth Pain with Root Canal Therapy

A toothache is one of the most intense tooth pains that a person can have. However, thoughts of undergoing a root canal can make many dental patients so anxious they they avoid the dentist entirely. Unfortunately, an infected tooth will not get better, it will only get worse, and so will the tooth pain. Root canal therapy done by New York City restorative dentist Dr. Michael J. Wei offers incredible relief, and gives you a chance to restore your smile so that it is comfortable and strong.

Symptoms of a Tooth Infection

Root Canal Manhattan DentistWhen the pulp in a tooth’s canals is compromised, the tooth can die and lead to a painful infection. The nerve can swell, causing great misery. What you think is “just” a cavity could prove to be a serious tooth infection.

A tooth can become infected for a variety of reasons. A crack in the tooth, a chip, a break, decay, and traumatic injury could all lead to infection. Essentially, any opportunity for bacteria to be introduced into the inner workings of a tooth is a recipe for disaster.

While a tooth infection may be asymptomatic, reinforcing the importance of seeing your Manhattan dentist every six months for a check-up and cleaning, this is certainly not the norm. Some of the most common symptoms of a tooth infection include:

  • Intense and prolonged sensitivity to hot or cold.
  • Severe pain.
  • Pain when chewing or applying pressure to teeth.
  • Gum swelling in the surrounding area.
  • An abscess.
  • Tenderness
  • Tooth discoloration.

When a problem like an infected tooth is not immediately addressed, a root canal – and possibly extraction – is often the course of treatment.

Understanding Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is identified as “therapy” because the treatment addresses a problem as gently yet aggressively as possible to create a permanent solution. In the root canal therapy procedure – also referred to as endodontics – the infected pulp and nerve are removed from the problem tooth. It is essential that your New York City dentist meticulously clean all the tooth’s canals for thorough disinfection and complete elimination of pain. Once the infection has been cleared away, the tooth root is filled to prevent the chance of future infection and to reduce the tooth’s sensitivity.

A root canal is a restorative dentistry treatment that can save a tooth and eliminate incredible discomfort. The procedure typically takes just one visit to your dentist, but the tooth in question may be compromised by the infection or damage. If that is the case, the tooth will need to be repaired so that your smile is not marred.

A restoration like a porcelain crown is often the top choice because the crown is customized to match your other teeth in shape, size, and color. The crown not only makes your smile look whole and healthy once again, while restoring its functionality, it also protects the tooth that has undergone an endodontic procedure.

Is It Possible to Avoid a Root Canal?

Your Midtown Manhattan dentist has the privilege and responsibility of taking care of your teeth and addressing suspicious areas before they become big problems. However, he can only do so if you keep up with your preventive dental care at home and get an exam and cleaning every six months, as well as x-rays once a year.

If you develop a tooth infection, root canal therapy is not your only option as a solution to eliminate the pain. Some patients would prefer to undergo a tooth extraction, especially if there is any question that the root canal could be unsuccessful because of the depth of the decay or damage. In cases like this, the gum will need to heal before any restorations, like dental implants, can be completed. When an implant or dental bridge is put in place, your smile will be secure, fully functional, comfortable, and attractive.

No matter what solution you and your New York City dentist settle on for your infected tooth, sedation dentistry is an option to make your procedures as comfortable as possible and keep your dental anxiety at bay. There are a number of sedation options available, and Dr. Wei will discuss all of them with you during your consultation so that you can minimize any stress about a restorative dentistry procedure, and allow yourself to feel the immense relief that comes after undergoing root canal therapy.

Contact Dr. Wei to make your appointment and find out whether you need root canal therapy. Our office serves Midtown Manhattan residents and commuters, as well as patients from Long Island City, Astoria, Weehawken, and beyond.